Friday, April 15, 2011



  1. Well it seems though we have a lot of similarities, we also have a lot of differences. Besides the fact that I'm a dancer and you're a violinist. It seems that you've had many struggles, not by choice of course. I personally haven't had anyone put me down or doubt me. But what i've read from you, it's not helpful at all. But you have seem to do exceptionally well. Actually you've have done wonderful.

  2. I'm pretty sure that you know that having some one or a group of people putting ypu down is not something that you would ever want to go through or have to experience. I went through a lot of people not wanting we around or telling me that I did not belong. I think this is what in a way made me strong not only as an artist but as a person. I wouldnt say that people putting you down is a good thing, but every once in a while you need people aroud you to tell you that you cant do it or that you wont succeed just to prove them wrong and to show that you can do whatever you put ypur mind to. And i think that these people made me who I am today and made me gain the level of popularity that now have.

  3. I feel that the most obvious difference between us is that while I put my expressions onto a canvas you put them into the sounds of your instruments. Also while your art is for a live audience mine is for any audience. Another difference is that you have much more patience than I. being kidnapped and forced to serve on a boat against your will for five years no less would have broken stronger men than I.

  4. I see a huge difference between us, that probably affected the amount of work we did through out our careers! I had a wealthy family, so I was pretty good off, and it was a lot easier to become successful, despite my writing's content! You, however, had to work your way up the ladder to be successful. You were a slave, and you had to withstand many hardships, and had to become accepted just to even get an audition with such companies! You had to wrok really hard and practice every day, to get where you are at! You are a figure that symbolizes the fact that hard work pays off!
